To nurture the future of digital universities

In order to have a European multi-university strategy and an autonomous MOOC production unit that meets industry standards, a spin-off was created in 2018 : Datum Academy. Datum Academy is a MOOC editor, industrial course reseller and MOOC integrator which participates to fully-accredited European degrees online in the data economy. Every academic course is "open" i.e. with free content under CreativeCommons licensing (CC-BY-NC) on FUN platform; just certification to get professional credit with Oracle has to be paid. Datum Academy is fully committed to the UNESCO OER (Open Educational Re-sources) for academic courses to make them available on our planet.

All eMBDS and eBIHAR academic courses/MOOCs have been fully developed and supported by Datum Academy. Industrial courses are brought by the Oracle partnership with an exclusive Subscription entitled « Big Data, Java and Database Learning Subscription ».

Datum Academy was formed with a prestigious strategic industrial scientific advisory board composed of Marco Landi (EX COO of Apple), Marc Lassus (Founder of Gemplus/Gemalto), Jean Luc Valente (VP of CISCO), Valérie Hayotte of Oracle Universiy (Sales Manager Oracle EMEA and Asia) and two founders of Start Ups (Franck Bywalski of Xtreme Video and Reda El Mejjad d'Izicap).

Since 2018, Datum Academy is a member of Oracle PartnersNetwork (OPN) oracle partner network