Data Science

How to start a Data Science career for a better future ?

If you or someone who is interested in the exciting and promising world of data science and artificial intelligence but are not aware of where to start, then this article is for you. You are reading this article because you made up your mind to work with data.

There is no denying that this area has a wide variety of jobs in the field of data science and high demand for skilled people who can deal with big data. It won't be completely wrong to say that data is the new oil, and the jobs this field has to offer are certainly considered among the best jobs of the 21st century.

When you are at the beginning of your journey, learning Data Science can appear very intimidating to you. This is because, in the beginning, you are not aware of what tools to learn or get started with the techniques you are required to focus on, how many statistics you need to learn, and whether there is any need to learn how to code?

This article will serve as a perfect guide for people who don't have any idea of getting started in Analytics or Data Science.

Understanding What You Really Need to Learn

You must have always heard that you won't be able to become a Data Scientist if you are not a master at statistics, linear algebra, calculus, programming, distributed computing, machine learning, databases, clustering, deep learning, visualization, experimental design, natural language processing, and much more. However, that's not exactly true.

The workflow of data science involves asking questions, gathering data that can contribute to answering the question cleaning the data exploring, analyzing, and visualizing the data, building and evaluating a machine learning model, and communicating results effectively.

What Jobs Are You Interested in the Most

The major goal of any data team and individual dealing with data is to create solutions that are based on it and are aimed at helping the overall business. This can be done in various ways, such as:

  1. By facilitating the creation of dashboards to help upper management make well-informed and strategic decisions
  2. Reducing the processing time so that customers can choose your product faster
  3. Developing models that hold the potential to predict complex variables
  4. Finding the element pattern in data that are inclined towards indicating market tendencies
You need to understand the ecosystem of a data team and the business you need to work on as you won't be dealing with a magic tool but tables and graphs containing data.

Pick up the Most Relevant Course

You must get enrolled in a program that is Rooted best for you if you want to build a career in data Science as a Data Scientist or Data Analyst. You can get in touch with Datum Academy as we propose an MSc in Big Data & AI in partnership with Google & Oracle, called eBIHAR. 

By enrolling yourself in the best data science program, you will be able to improve your technical skills and enhance your overall innovative capacity. Learn from industry professionals who are backed by years of experience and knowledge and work on real-world data sets to get hands-on experience.

Improving Your Business Skills

And goes without saying that data scientists must have excellent communication skills to translate their technical solutions and findings to other team members. This way, as a Data Scientist, you will be able to convey the exact message to the non-technical team, such as marketing and sales, which will ultimately help in making well-informed business decisions.

In addition to this data, scientists must have an impeccable understanding of the business to determine the right information from the acquired data. With Datum Academy, you will be learning how to gather data and processes such as data wrangling and interpretation activities and align them with the business goals of a particular organization.

Focus on Practical Applications and not Just Theory

During your training, you must focus on the practical applications along with your theoretical learning, as it will help you understand the concept better and provide you with a deeper sense of how things actually work in the industry.

With Datum Academy's programs, whether it's the MSc or micro-credentials GRADEO, you will be working on open data sets and will learn how to apply your knowledge and skills to better understand applications.

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